We may only ship domestically to the United States. There is a $15 shipping fee on all orders.
In Store Purchases:
Sometimes we love it in the store and at home, it just doesn't fit in with our wardrobe the way we hoped, and that's okay! If you'd like to return your item(s), they may be exchanged or returned for store credit within 10 business days of purchase with original receipt and tags attached. Items must be in original condition, unworn with no markings of makeup and/or stains. Final sale merchandise includes jewelry, accessories, sale and promotional items, and delicate items. Store credit expires one year from date of retrieval. We do not offer any monetary refunds.
Online Purchases:
If you receive an item that doesn't work out for you, that's okay! Once you receive your order, you have 3 business days to call us at 706-496-2212 to start your return process. You will be responsible for return shipping and providing our returns team with a tracking number for the package. Once your item has arrived back to us, we will process the order and assure it is acceptable condition. Non returnable items include jewelry, accessories, sale and promotional items, and delicate items. All items must be returned unworn, free of stains and markings, and with the original tags attached. Once processed and approved, we will issue a refund to your card for the cost of the returned item(s), less a $15 shipping fee.